Deadlock Mo & Krill Build: Best Items and Abilities

Mo & Krill are among the few heroes in Deadlock which can be categorized as Anti-Heroes. Their role is to constantly harass enemies and stunt their soul growth by taking their jungle, ganking them to help your team, or quickly taking objectives when no one is looking. Mo & Krill excel at all of these, especially if you have correctly built it in Deadlock. Here is the only Deadlock Mo & Krill build you need to dominate matches one burrow at a time.
Best Mo & Krill Build Items in Deadlock
Note: This build is available in the Public Builds section of Deadlock. You can get it by searching ‘Beebom Mo & Krill Build‘ (build id: 166491). The build can be used directly or can be copied and edited as per your need from the game’s Browse Build section.
Best Laning/Early Game Items
Mo & Krill is one of the strongest characters for early laning, both solo and duo. His first ability allows him to continuously sustain himself from enemies and troopers. The first priority for Mo & Krill is to increase his survivability in the early laning stage. So, start with Restorative Shots for healing and Rapid Rounds for increased fire rate. Both these items also increase Mo & Krill’s weapon damage early on, letting you constantly harass enemies.
Next, get Mystic Reach to increase the radius of your first ability, followed by Sprint Boots and Monster Rounds for mobility and faster farm. After that, get Extra Spirit for further mobility and Spirit power. Follow up with Duration Extender to complete your early laning items, which increases all of Mo & Krill’s abilities, like extending the Burrow, Sand Blast, and Combo’s duration.
If you are getting harassed early in the game and cannot rely on Scorn alone to sustain, then get Healing Rite or Extra Regen early. You can sell these later once you have enough souls for Phantom Strike.
Best Core/Mid-game Items
Mo & Krill starts to become really strong in mid-game once you build his core items. The first core item of Mo & Krill is Torment Pulse, making farming creeps much easier. After getting this item, your primary target should be getting the enemy jungle as much as possible.
1st Flex Slot: Next, you need to prioritize getting Mystic Vulnerability in your first Flex Slot. If you don’t have a flex slot unlocked, then skip to the next item on the build, however, you need to get that first Flex slot to unlock the true damage potential of Mo & Krill.
Now, upgrade to Enduring Speed to increase your mobility, allowing you to gank and exit fights much more easily. Follow up with Spirit Armor and Bullet Armor to increase your resistance, allowing you to survive longer in fights.
Next, get Fleetfoot to rotate faster or run away when getting Movement Restricted by enemies. Burrowing and then using Fleetfoot is a great way to exit bad fights.
If you have unlocked the first Flex slot and got Mystic Vulnerability, then now is the time to upgrade to Escalating Exposure. This is the first big damage spike for Mo & Krill, making your Combo very strong to pick off lone enemies. Finally, upgrade to Improved Spirit Armor and Improved Bullet Armor to make yourself an unkillable monster in most scenarios.
Best Luxury/Late Game Items
Once your 2nd Flex Slot unlocks, the first item you need to get is Diviner’s Kevler. This item will increase your survivability when using the Ultimate, which also keeps you stuck in one place alongside the grabbed enemy. If you don’t have slots, simply get the other items first.
The next item of importance is Superior Duration, which you need to imbue on your Ultimate. However, this upgrade also increases the duration of your other abilities, providing a ton of value to Mo & Krill. Next, get upgrades to Improved Reach and Improved Spirit to further increase your Spirit power and damage output. Imbue Improved Reach to your 1st ability.
Now, you need to get Phantom Strike, which pairs perfectly with your Ultimate. This item is particularly useful against flying enemies or enemies highly dependent on their Ultimate, like Yamato and Haze. Phantom Strike them on view and use your Ultimate so that your team can finish them before they can use the Ultimate in late-game fights. Next, you can upgrade to Boundless Spirit, which will give another big spike to your Spirit damage and also increase your Mobility.
For your final two Flex Slots, get Superior Cooldown and Leech, which will complete your core kit. The game should be ending pretty soon.
Now, if the game extends and you rack up more souls, then get Spiritual Overflow, Frenzy, and Shadow Weaver by selling your T1 weapon items. These are luxury items, so you can only get them at the very end if you have enough souls.
Mo & Krill Situational Items
Now, we know that games generally don’t go as you expect them to, so it is always good to have situational items. First, get Divine Barrier early/mid-game if you are getting harassed by enemies. Similarly, Debuff Remover is also a good choice if you are getting constant debuffs from enemies. You will have a fourth Vitality spot open anyway at mid-game unless you get an early healing item.
Another great early-game situational item is Decay, which is great for enemies that have an early lead on you. Killing enemies with an early lead can be a nightmare, which is why the extra damage and healing reduction from Decay can help you level the playing field early in the game.
Next, you can get Warp Stone over Fleetfoot if you have a good soul lead over your enemies. Warp Stone will help you chase down enemies and also exit fights gracefully.
Other than that, Surge of Power and Mystic Reverb are also great spirit items that you can take over Superior Cooldown in late games.
Deadlock Mo & Krill Build: Abilities and Unlock Order
Mo & Krill is very dependent on using their abilities correctly. After the laning stage, you will find yourself mostly using Burrow, Scorn, and Combo, in that order, and fire bullets only to confirm kills. That’s why it’s important to learn how to use Mo & Krill’s abilities correctly first; otherwise, you won’t benefit from his best items. Here is an overview of all Mo & Krill’s abilities and in which Ability Point Order you must unlock them:
All Mo & Krill Build Abilities
- Scorn: Deal damage to nearby enemies and heal yourself based on the damage done. Heal is stronger against enemy heroes.
- Level 1: -4s Cooldown
- Level 2: +25 Damage
- Level 3: Adds a debuff to enemies that lets Mo & Krill deal +15% Damage to them. Stacks and lasts 16s.
- Burrow: Burrow underground, moving faster, and gaining spirit and bullet armor. Damage from enemy heroes will reduce the speed bonus. When you jump out, knock enemies into the air and perform a spin attack that damages and slows. Cooldown starts when Burrow ends.
- Level 1: Burrow time +3s
- Level 2: +140 Spin DPS and +2 radius
- Level 3: -20 Cooldown and +2m/s Move Speed
- Sand Blast: Spray sand that disarms enemies in front of you and deals damage.
- Level 1: +1s Duration
- Level 2: -20s Cooldown
- Level 3: Slow targets by -50%
- Combo: Hold the target in place, stunning them and dealing damage during the channel. If they die during Combo, you permanently gain max health. 3s buffer window on kills to get this credit.
- Level 1: +30% Bullet Resist While Channeling
- Level 2: Combo Duration +1s
- Level 3: +40 Damage Per Second and 100% lifesteal
Best Mo & Krill Ability Point Order
Mo & Krill’s main job as a utility hero is to make your enemies’ lives miserable. Your main target is to constantly gank enemies, creating an advantage for your team, farm enemy creeps, and take down objectives when no one is looking.
The two main priorities of Mo & Krill’s ability are survivability and mobility. To increase his Survivability from early on, unlock Scorn first and prioritize upgrading it to level 2 first.
Next, unlock Burrow and upgrade it to the max level. Once you have Burrow maxed, you can move around the map very quickly, and you can leave fights when you are outnumbered.
After maxing Burrow, upgrade Combo to level 2. This way, you will have additional resistance when using combo in the middle of fights. Next, max Scorn to get the sweet 15% damage increase which stacks on enemies.
Follow it up by maxing Combo, unlocking the 100% lifesteal, and additional damage. Finally, max your Sand Blast ability to make it hell for enemies during team fights. Make sure you get as many enemies as you can with the Sand Blast to get the most out of it.
So, that’s it. This is our Deadlock Mo & Krill build with his best items and correct ability order. I personally love playing Mo & Krill, and this build has helped me dominate most games. Try our Mo & Krill build and tell us in the comments how it worked for you while also suggesting any changes you may have in mind.
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