Running the classic Doom is a rite of passage for anything that has circuitry these days. When the Nintendo Alarmo released, some pondered when someone would get Doom running on it, and that has now happened.
GaryOderNichts on GitHub got Doom running on the Nintendo Alarmo. In a video, the device is shown to run Doom on its tiny screen, being controlled with nothing other than the clock’s top buttons. The person who made this mod mentions that audio support is currently broken, and that the .wad file needs to be compressed and then uncompressed to external memory on boot in order to bypass USB loader memory size restrictions. Despite this, it is also possible to run the game entirely from USB, without the need to modify the Alarmo at all.

The full code and documentation for this is currently available on GitHub if it’s something that you want to try out on your own Alarmo. Still, just like 90% of devices modders get Doom running on, it’s probably not practical to actually play Doom seriously on this. Instead, as we mentioned, it’s a rite of passage of sorts—if there’s a remote possibility of modding a device, someone’s going to get Doom running on it. We’ve had Doom run on calculators, fridges, washing machines, and even pregnancy tests.
This also makes us wonder how moddable the Alarmo really is. Other mods we’ve seen include someone getting the Alarmo to display cat photos. There’s not a lot you can do as far as more powerful stuff goes, since according to the comments in that very post it has a decent CPU for its device category but a very low amount of RAM. It’s good enough to play Doom better than most PCs of the day, so we’re definitely excited to see what happens next.
Source: Mastodon
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