Europe takes a second look at Apple’s DMA compliance – Computerworld

At the very least, the review does buy Apple time to improve its business systems to better match what it now knows regulators want, without decimating its business. When dealing with any form of change, time is an advantage.
But change remains inevitable
That’s not to say Apple can stand still. The company’s senior executives are expected be in London this week, facing a class action lawsuit that argues it has, in effect, overcharged consumers for sales via the App Store. It remains unclear how Apple’s justifiable argument — that the vast majority of apps are distributed at no, or low, fees — will be understood as it argues that case. Apple faces similar action globally, and the litigation means it will have to change, even if only reluctantly.
Eager to force that change, Europe’s regulators are unlikely to slow their investigations into tech companies, but will be waiting on political direction before they decide the extent to which they will attempt enforcement.
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