
How do you value your expertise when selling to experts?

The time value of money states that if you have £1,000 now, it is worth more than receiving the same £1,000 in six months or a year’s time. After all, you could invest that cash into new products and sell them for more than you paid, ending up with a larger amount of money instead of letting that cash stand still and do nothing. But what about the money value of time, otherwise called opportunity cost? 

When you are working with IT experts as your customers, you can often find yourself getting into conversations around their skills and how they could deliver everything that you offer yourselves. The message here is why should they pay for your time, when they could do all this themselves? This is a classic case of opportunity cost. To answer this question, you would typically go into what else the team could achieve with their time and skills, and where you can help them to extend their reach.

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