How to bring Google’s custom vibration brilliance to any Android phone today – Computerworld

As reported by famed Android code-sleuther and notably not Trent-named human Mishaal Rahman, the vibrations vary not only in their patterns — with presets such as “Blip,” “Rumble,” “Fireworks,” and “Waves” — but also in their intensity and duration (and for the love of all things holy, get your mind out of the gutter, lest I be forced to bring HR into this conversation).
It’s an interesting new way to make our devices less disruptive and more useful. But it’s also not available to anyone as of this moment, and it’s not entirely clear when that might change or how far the eventual rollout could reach.
But hold the phone! As usual here in the land o’ Android, where there’s a will, there’s a way. And with the inspiration of Google’s good vibrations guiding us, I’ve got an extremely easy way to bring this same custom vibration capability onto any Android device this instant — no matter who made it or how old it might be.
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