
How to create a Google account (with or without a Gmail address)

Do you need to create a Google account for yourself, a family member, or a less knowledgeable friend? The process isn’t very complicated, but it may require you to sign out from your existing Google account(s). You can get around this issue and make a new Google account in another browser than the one you’re using regularly or by opening a private browsing window in your favorite browser. Then, the whole process shouldn’t take longer than a minute. Here’s how it works:

Read this before creating a Google account:

Creating a Google account is done from the Sign In page. If you access this page in Google Chrome and you’re already signed in to an existing account, you’re redirected automatically to your Google Account page. If this happens, and you’re using a Windows computer or a Mac, click or tap your user icon in the top right and choose Sign out of all accounts in the menu.

Click or tap your user icon, and choose Sign out of all accounts

Click or tap your user icon, and choose Sign out of all accounts

You’re then asked to choose an account. If you want to create a new one, click or tap “Use another account.

Choose Use another account
Choose Use another account

Choose Use another account

Then, continue reading the section below and follow the instructions shared.

If you’re using an Android device or an iPhone, tap the user icon in Google Chrome’s top-right corner.

On your mobile device, tap the user icon in the top rightOn your mobile device, tap the user icon in the top right

On your mobile device, tap the user icon in the top right

Don’t choose Add another account because you will add it to your Android device. Instead, choose Manage accounts.

Tap Manage accountsTap Manage accounts

Tap Manage accounts

Then, select Go Incognito and follow the instructions in the section below for creating a new Google account (with or without a Gmail address).

Choose Go IncognitoChoose Go Incognito

Choose Go Incognito

TIP: To simplify the process, it’s a good idea not to use Google Chrome for this task. Try another browser you don’t regularly use, like Microsoft Edge, Firefox, or Opera. This way, you won’t have to sign out of existing accounts or browse the web Incognito.

How to create a Google account (with or without a Gmail address)

To create a Google account, open your favorite web browser and go to Google’s Sign In page. This may sound a bit counterintuitive, but this is where the account creation process starts, as designed by Google. Creating a Google account is done the same on PCs, laptops, iPhones and Android devices. For the sake of simplicity, I’m using screenshots taken on a Windows 11 laptop with Google Chrome. You will see the same options on your mobile device, just in a different screen size.

On the Sign in page, click or tap Create account. You will see a menu with options similar to the ones in the screenshot below.

Click or tap Create account and choose For my personal useClick or tap Create account and choose For my personal use

Click or tap Create account and choose For my personal use

If you want to create another account for yourself or another person (such as a friend or family member), choose “For my personal use.” You’ll be asked to enter your first and last name. Complete the necessary information and click or tap Next. Remember that the Last name is optional, and you can skip it.

Enter your nameEnter your name

Enter your name

As documented by Google here, the company asks for your birthday and gender information. They do this because some Google services have age requirements, and the company wants to offer you a more personalized user experience, including better targeted advertising. Google Search also uses this information to show you more age-appropriate search results when looking for information on their search engine. Complete the requested information (you can choose not to specify your gender if you wish), and click or tap Next.

Provide your birth date and gender (optional)Provide your birth date and gender (optional)

Provide your birth date and gender (optional)

You’re asked how you want to sign in and given two options:

  • Create a Gmail address – if you choose this option, your Gmail account will be created along with your Gmail address. Therefore, people can email you, and you can exchange emails with others through Gmail. This is an especially good option if you need Gmail access or want to create this account for later use on an Android smartphone, including a Samsung Galaxy.
  • Use your email address – you create a Google account but not a Gmail address. Select this option and you’re asked to enter an existing email address with another provider like or Yahoo Mail!. If you choose this option, you’re asked to verify your existing email address, and you receive an email with a code. Enter the code in the wizard for creating the Google account.

Choose the option that best suits your needs and click or tap Next. For this tutorial, I chose “Create a Gmail address.

Choose how to sign inChoose how to sign in

Choose how to sign in

You’re asked to choose how you’ll sign in. This means you have to enter a username and create a Gmail address for your Google account. Type the username you prefer and click or tap Next.

Type the username you want to useType the username you want to use

Type the username you want to use

TIP: This step isn’t shown if you select Use your email address, because you don’t need to create a Gmail address. You will use your existing email address to log in to your Google account.

If your username is taken, you’re shown an error message and given suggestions for available usernames. Try different usernames until you find one that’s available.

Suggestions for other usernames that are availableSuggestions for other usernames that are available

Suggestions for other usernames that are available

You’re asked to create a strong password for your Google account and Gmail address. Type and confirm your password, then click or tap Next. Ensure it’s a password you can remember and includes a mix of letters, numbers, and symbols (!@$%).

Create a strong passwordCreate a strong password

Create a strong password

You’re asked to provide a recovery email. This is a good idea to ensure that you can regain access to this Google account if you later forget its password. Google also uses this email address to communicate with you when it detects unusual activity on your account. Type the email address and click or tap Next. If you don’t want this, click or tap Skip instead.

It's a good idea to add a recovery email addressIt's a good idea to add a recovery email address

It’s a good idea to add a recovery email address

TIP: This step isn’t shown if you selected Use your email address. You already have a recovery email address, so a second one is unnecessary. However, you will be asked to complete the next step.

For added security, you can enter a phone number where Google may contact you if necessary. You can also choose to Skip this step, but it’s best to provide this number, especially if you didn’t provide a recovery email earlier.

Enter your phone number (if you want)Enter your phone number (if you want)

Enter your phone number (if you want)

Google displays your account information, including the name, the associated email address, and your phone number. Click or tap Next to continue.

A summary of your account details is shownA summary of your account details is shown

A summary of your account details is shown

You’re asked to choose your settings and given two options:

  • Express – it takes one step to turn different Google account settings on or off.
  • Manual – it takes four steps to customize your settings and tailor the content and ad experiences you see when using this account. During these steps, you’re asked to choose whether you want Google to save your Web & App Activity, how you want it to store your YouTube History, whether you want Google to show you personalized ads or generic ones, and whether you want Google to send you occasional privacy reminders.

Make your choice and click or tap Next. I chose Express to complete this step faster. If you choose Manual, you must answer four questions and press Next to proceed to the next one.

How do you want to set up your Google account settings?How do you want to set up your Google account settings?

How do you want to set up your Google account settings?

You’re shown a long page that you must scroll down. It details how Google will use your data. Read it carefully, and then choose between Reject all and Accept all.

Accept or reject how your data is usedAccept or reject how your data is used

Accept or reject how your data is used

TIP: This step isn’t shown if you selected Manual instead of Express. The four questions I mentioned are displayed one after the other.

If you live in the European Union or other regions with similar legislation, you will be asked to confirm your settings. You will also be informed about cookies and similar technologies and how Google uses them. Click or tap Confirm to continue.

Confirm your settings to continueConfirm your settings to continue

Confirm your settings to continue

TIP: This step isn’t shown if you selected Manual instead of Express.

You are shown the terms of service for both Google and YouTube. Read them carefully and click or tap I agree. If you don’t choose this option, you won’t be able to finalize the creation of your Google account.

Review and agree to Google's terms and privacy conditionsReview and agree to Google's terms and privacy conditions

Review and agree to Google’s terms and privacy conditions

TIP: You should also read this guide to check the advertising profile that Google has created about you and what Google’s ads know about your preferences.

Once the account is created, you will see the Google Account page. I highly recommend that you visit the security tips section and Privacy & personalization to further fine-tune how you want your Google account to work, how it’s secured, and what data Google can use or not use about you.

Welcome to your new Google accountWelcome to your new Google account

Welcome to your new Google account

TIP: If you’ve created this Google account to use it later on an Android smartphone or tablet, check our guide on how to switch Google accounts on Android.

Did you successfully create a Google account?

Following the steps outlined in this guide, you should now have a new Google account that benefits from 15 GB of free storage shared across Gmail (if you chose to create an email address with Google), Google Drive, and Google Photos. If you’re searching for a “free Google account maker,” you should know that none exist. If you find one, it’s likely a bogus service designed to trick you and steal valuable information from you. Use the official web page created by Google for this purpose, and you should be finished safely in no time.

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