IT execs need to embrace a new role: myth-buster – Computerworld

This teaching role is critical for high-ranking execs (C-level execs, board members) in addition to those on the enterprise front lines. CFOs tend to fall in love with promised efficiencies and would-be workforce reductions without understanding all of the implications. CEOs often want to support what their direct reports want — when possible — and board members rarely have any in-depth knowledge of technology issues.
It’s especially critical for IT Directors, working with the CIO, to become indispensable sources of tech truth for any company. Not so long ago, business units almost always had to route their technology needs through IT. No more.
It’s not a battle that can be won by edicts or directives. IT directives are often ignored by department heads, and memo mayhem won’t help. You have to position your advice as cautionary, educational — helpful even — all in a bid to spare the business unit various disasters. You are their friend. Only then does it have a chance of working.
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