Minecraft Snapshot 25W07A Tweaks Sheep Spawning, Cartographer Trades, and More

Another week, and we have another exciting Minecraft update. Mojang has released the Minecraft Snapshot 25W07A, which brings a plethora of new features, including changing the color of sheep spawning in various biomes. We also have wandering trader trade rebalances, brand-new trading options for cartographers, and many more. Finally, Mojang’s bug tracker Mojira is currently facing some issues, so it’s recommended that players keep any active bugs alive until they’re fixed and online again. With that, let’s dive right in and explore everything about this new snapshot!
Minecraft Snapshot 25W07A Adds New Rules for Sheep Spawning
Minecraft sheep now have different rules that determine the color of their wool during their spawn. This rule completely depends on the Minecraft biome in which the sheep spawns, making the mechanism very similar to that of chicken, cow, and pig variants. This will surely make your farms much more diverse.
The Warm biomes will now mostly spawn sheep with brown wool, while the colder biomes mostly spawn black sheep. Finally, the temperate biomes will have sheep with white wool. This will greatly help players easily get colored wool without the hassle of collecting various dyes.
Trade Updates: Cartographers, Wandering Traders, and More
Trading with villagers and wandering traders has become more exciting with the latest snapshot. Now, Cartographers can offer you seven new maps pointing to a different village or any unique structure.
While you are exploring the landmarks on these maps, don’t be disappointed if you ever come across a wandering trader. This is because the latest snapshot finally revamps all stock options. You can now sell him some basic items like water buckets and hay bales to get some easy Emeralds.
Apart from these features, bushes are now dropped only when broken by a silk touch tool or with shears. Next, Mooshroom cows have a slightly protruding snout, while the camels now spawn in desert biomes. Finally, you may find bundles inside the village chests.
These are all the changes and new features introduced in the latest Minecraft Snapshot 25W07A. What do you think about these changes? Let us know in the comments below!
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