My Favorite Cleaning Products You Can Disguise in Plain Sight

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I’m always yapping about how you need to organize everything in containers and keep it in a designated place out of sight. That’s all fine and well, but sometimes we live in small spaces and it’s just not possible to have that much storage. Cleaning supplies can be tricky to store—you need them to be accessible, but they can be big and annoying, and often need to be sequestered into their own designated space, away from things they might damage. But what if you stored them right out in the open? In some cases, you can. Here are some options.
Making cleaning supplies prettier to look at
First, consider decanting your cleaning supplies into more appealing containers. Decanting has a lot of benefits, like making your stuff more uniform so you can stack or store it all together. Plus, custom containers look nicer than the branded bottles and cans most store-bought supplies come in. Would you rather have a bright blue Windex bottle sitting on your shelf or something like this?
Search for spray bottles that match the color or theme of your decor. They can sit on a shelf, looking totally unobtrusive but within easy reach. By transferring glass cleaner, all-purpose spray, mopping solution, and all your other cleaning products into bottles like this, you don’t have to worry about them looking unsightly. You may want to label the bottoms of the bottles in case the products look similar, or opt for different bottle for different products so you don’t lose track.
I’m also a big proponent of wet wipe covers. Wipes come in unsightly packages, usually bright yellow or featuring a stock images of a grinning baby. That’s just not the vibe. Plain white covers (typically around $9) can disguise wet wipes, baby wipes, and disinfecting wipes easily, so you can have them right out on the counter where you most need them. They also come in a variety of colors and patterns to match any room.
If you’re sick of looking at a paper towel roll on the counter, consider swapping your roll out altogether and getting dispensable paper towels instead. They fit into a smart-looking holder and pop out like facial tissues.
Ready-made obscured cleaning options
There are a few options out there for cleaning products that come pre-hidden. Squatty Potty, for instance, produces a toilet brush that is completely hidden by the toilet itself ($16.74), securing behind the unit. Contrary to the whole point of this post, that’s not even “in plain sight,” but in some ways, it’s better! Otherwise, consider a cute toilet brush hider, like this one that also includes a plunger—but looks like a set of cacti. It’s a little cheeky, sure, but if you don’t mind a little kitsch here and there, it’s a fun option.
The humble cactus is actually pretty popular in the cleaning-product-hiding space. This faux potted cactus, for instance, actually contains four different brushes for cleaning bottles and other small kitchen items.
Finally, I’m very into Biom all-purpose wipes. You get an understated dispenser and can refill it with the wipes, which come in hand sanitizing and surrounding sanitizing versions in scents like grapefruit and lavender. It’s a more sustainable option than continuing to buy packs of wipes, since the wipes are compostable and refills come in eco-friendly packaging.