Spider-Man Beyond the Spider-Verse Release Date Announcement Seems to Be Close [Update]

Update: The Spider-Symbol was seemingly for a TV ad which Sony has now posted on its official Instagram account.
It has been a while since we heard something about the progress of the next Spider-Verse movie. However, the announcement of Spider-Man Beyond The Spider-Verse’s release date seems to be closer than we thought. In a recent update, a Reddit user came across something while walking down New York City that acts as proof for the speculated announcement.
Reddit user ConeyQ took to the platform and posted an image of a neon “Spider-Symbol” from the suit of Miles Morales’ Spider-Man being put on an apartment building in Manhattan. He states that he saw a crew of workers setting up the symbol on the building which is big enough to cover almost all the windows of the mentioned building. In his post, he wrote-
“I just walked past this crane crew putting up the symbol from Miles Morales’s “Into the Spider-Verse” suit in lights on this apartment building in Manhattan (West 15th & 7th Ave). Anyone have any clue what might be in the works, or if these are popping up elsewhere in the city?”
Now the possibility this points towards is that there might be something big, probably, an announcement scheduled for Spider-Man Beyond The Spider-Verse’s release date. However, another possibility is that the owner of this building is just a massive fan of the franchise.
As of now, we don’t know a lot about what this sequel could be about. However, based on what we saw in Across The Spider-Verse, we can speculate that the Prowler version of Miles will probably team up with Spider-Man Miles to help him accomplish his mission along with the other versions of Spidey but this is just a speculation and we will have to wait for further details from official sources.
So, what do you guys think? Oh, and if you are reading this from New York City, have you seen anything similar to the neon symbol around? let us know in the comments and stay tuned!
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