
  • Blog

    Microsoft Trusted Signing service abused to code-sign malware

    Cybercriminals are abusing Microsoft’s Trusted Signing platform to code-sign malware executables with short-lived three-day certificates. Threat actors have long sought after code-signing certificates as they can be used to sign malware to appear like they are from a legitimate company. Signed malware also has the advantage of potentially bypassing security filters that would normally block unsigned executables, or at least treat…

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  • Blog

    Microsoft Trust Signing service abused to code-sign malware

    Cybercriminals are abusing Microsoft’s Trusted Signing platform to code-sign malware executables with short-lived three-day certificates. Threat actors have long sought after code-signing certificates as they can be used to sign malware to appear like they are from a legitimate company. Signed malware also has the advantage of potentially bypassing security filters that would normally block unsigned executables, or at least treat…

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