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    Poor broadband connectivity is costing London SMBs billions

    London’s small and medium businesses (SMBs) are making £28 billion a year less than they should thanks to slow and unreliable workplace broadband connectivity, new research shows. High costs, along with the complexity of securing reliable services, make the cost of fast and dependable connectivity prohibitive for many firms, according to analysis from G.Network. This, the company said, leaves many…

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    Android Users Should Disable 2G Connectivity, Says Google

    We regularly criticize carriers and regulators for failing to block SMS scams. And while this criticism may be somewhat warranted, Google is keen to note that the world’s most potent SMS attacks are not transmitted through legitimate cellular networks. Such attacks are completely beyond your carrier’s control—they must be blocked at a device level by disabling 2G connectivity and implementing…

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    The state of enterprise connectivity

    Almost any business these days needs its own network to function – whether it’s for internal comms, interaction with the internet, or for controlling complex environments such as smart factory floors, business networks keep the wheels spinning at an enterprise level. But promises and delivery haven’t always lined up in the networking space, with the likes of 5G and gigabit…

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