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    IBM has reportedly laid off thousands – Computerworld

    IBM spokesperson Sarah Minkel emailed a rather vague statement to Computerworld that seemed to confirm the layoffs: “Early this year, IBM disclosed a workforce rebalancing charge that would represent a very low single digit percentage of IBM’s global workforce, and we still expect to exit 2024 at roughly the same level of employment as we entered with.” The Register did…

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    IBM on Future Cybersecurity: Passkeys, Deepfakes, Quantum Computing

    “The internet will be a lot safer in five years than it is today, thanks to technological advances that address common problems at scale.” This prediction by Chris Hockings, CTO of IBM Asia Pacific, might seem a bit ambitious given that AI-powered cybercrime is growing at an exponential rate, deepfake technology is enhancing social engineering attacks, and the power of…

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