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    Generative AI Projects Fail Amid High Costs and Risks

    Despite the promise of artificial intelligence transforming industries, rising costs and mounting risks are causing many AI projects to falter, as highlighted by several recent reports. At least 30% of generative AI projects will be abandoned after the proof-of-concept stage by the end of 2025, according to a new Gartner report. Companies are “struggling to prove and realise value” in…

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    Using artificial intelligence (AI) to track and analyze cyber risks

    Artificial intelligence (AI) continues to be an instigator of a sea-change for almost every industry it touches, and cyber security is no different. The technology is on the verge of radically transforming the way that organizations and security teams combat the ever-evolving threat landscape. Although there is a risk of AI becoming something that security professionals are too reliant on…

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    The top API risks of 2024 and how to mitigate them

    Application programming interfaces (API) have become an inextricable pillar of the digital world – but come with inherent risks that must be addressed. APIs have long been the easiest way for applications to interact with one another, especially as platforms have become fragmented across a diverse range of services and vendors. They help developers request services from an operating system…

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    The top 4 BYOD risks businesses face in 2024

    The rise of remote work and the surge in enterprise-facing cyber attacks have put the spotlight squarely on the risks of bring your own device (BYOD). Once a simple idea — let employees use their own devices for work — BYOD has drawn both corporate mandate and employee approval, thanks to improved autonomy and slashed hardware expenses. As a fractional…

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    MIT just launched a new database tracking the biggest AI risks

    MIT is tracking the potential dangers posed by AI — and has found that most adoption frameworks designed to boost safe use of the technology are missing out on key risks.  Researchers at MIT’s Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (CSAIL) have joined forces with colleagues at University of Queensland, Future of Life Institute, KU Leuven, and Harmony Intelligence to…

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    MIT delivers database containing 700+ risks associated with AI

    However, researchers noted in the FAQ that the Repository does have several limitations, including being limited to risks from the 43 taxonomies, so it “may be missing emerging, domain-specific risks, and unpublished risks, and has potential for errors and subject bias; we used a single expert reviewer for extraction and coding.” Despite those shortcomings, the MIT Technology Review article stated…

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