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    “How is he doing this?” – Marc Benioff questions Klarna CEO’s move to scrap Workday, Salesforce in SaaS ‘consolidation’ drive

    Klarna is calling quits on its use of Salesforce and Workday amid a sharpened focus on harnessing AI as the company ramps up adoption of the technology – but Salesforce CEO Marc Benioff appears perplexed at the decision. CEO Sebastian Siemiatkowski confirmed the move in a conference call in late August, according to reports from Seeking Alpha, revealing the decision…

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    1/3 of Companies Suffered a SaaS Data Breach in Last Year

    Thirty-one percent of organisations experienced a SaaS data breach in the last 12 months, a 5% increase over the previous year, a new report has found. This surge may be linked to inadequate visibility of the apps being deployed, including third-party connections to core SaaS platforms. Nearly half of firms who use Microsoft 365 believe they have fewer than 10…

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    SaaS security woes continue to haunt cyber teams

    More than three-quarters of technology leaders say they’re concerned about SaaS security threats, prompting calls for more robust development practices. The findings of the Onymos SaaS Disruption Report reveal that enterprises prioritize data privacy and security, with 65% and 72% respectively saying that they’re the most critical priorities in the app development process. An overwhelming 91% of the tech leaders…

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    Most Tech Leaders Worry About SaaS Security Threats

    Software-as-a-Service applications have long been targets of cyberthreats. A new study finds that these threats remain top of mind for 78% of U.S. technology leaders as more SaaS apps find their way into the enterprise. Although enterprises have been prioritizing data privacy and security, their continued reliance on SaaS and cloud offerings means they remain at risk, according to the…

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