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    Scientists make more discoveries with help from AI – Computerworld

    A new study by a PhD student at MIT indicates that AI tools can help scientists make more discoveries, according to Nature. In the study by Aidan Toner-Rodgers, an unspecified laboratory in the US with 1,018 researchers used an unspecified custom machine-learning tool. The work teams that were randomly assigned to use the AI ​​tool then discovered 44% more materials and created…

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    Researchers Are Creating AI Scientists, and It’s Going Better Than Expected

    Key Takeaways AI scientists can independently develop hypotheses, perform experiments, and write research papers. AI scientists can have bias and make clumsy conclusions due to lack of intuition and experience. The true potential of AI scientists lies in collaboration with human scientists to guide research productively. Researchers are developing an AI that can come up with hypotheses, perform experiments, and…

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