TV Tip-Overs Put Children in Danger. How to Keep Them Safe.
TV tip-overs aren’t difficult to prevent, especially if you have basic DIY skills. Here’s what you should do. Wall-mount the TV. A properly installed wall mount—lag-bolted to studs or a hefty crossbeam—will keep the TV secure and high enough off the floor so it can’t be grabbed by young children. If wall-mounting isn’t feasible, secure the TV to a wall (or to…
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Best Furniture Anchor Kits to Prevent Furniture Tip-Overs
CR’s advice for anchoring furniture has always been: Find the stud. Don’t just anchor it into a hollow stretch of drywall, even with those expanding plastic plugs that are specifically meant for this wall material. Those are fine for hanging art because it pulls against the anchor only with a downward force. But they won’t cut it in a furniture…
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