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    3 worst places to put your washing machine, according to experts

    Whether you’re upgrading to the best washing machine, or simply trying to maximize on space, knowing the right places for your washing machine is essential. And while we have to consider the necessary plumbing and pipework factors, we don’t often think about the right location/placement.  If you’re not fortunate to have a separate utility room or large space, it can…

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    Which Brands Make the Most Reliable Washing Machines?

    Among CR members surveyed, the most commonly reported washer problems were tangled or balled-up clothes (9 percent), excessive vibration over time (5 percent), odor (5 percent), nonspinning drums (5 percent), water drain failure (5 percent), and becoming noisier over time (4 percent). Mold, mildew, and odor complaints were much more common among owners of many brands of front-loaders and compact washers.…

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