200 UK companies adopt a permanent four-day work week – Computerworld

“The effects had staying power, not just measured in productivity; employees were healthier and less stressed,” she said. “This is good for companies — healthy, happy employees are more engaged, creative, and loyal.”
Joe Ryle, campaign director of the 4 Day Week Foundation, argues that the traditional 9-to-5, five-day work week, introduced by Henry Ford in 1926 and which became the office norm by the mid-20th century, is outdated. Initially, the five-day, 40-hour schedule was seen as a balance between productivity and leisure. However, over time, many have criticized it, calling for more flexibility and better work-life balance.
In fact, the 40-hour workweek, introduced by Ford, is an example of boosting productivity by reducing hours without lowering pay; Ford reduced hours from 48 to 40 a week in his factories.
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