Chinese researchers break RSA encryption with a quantum computer

“Many cryptographic algorithms that enterprises rely on today, such as RSA and ECC, are based on mathematical problems that are computationally difficult for classical computers to solve efficiently,” said Prabhjyot Kaur, senior analyst at Everest Group. “However, the advent of quantum computing threatens the security of these algorithms. The need for robust quantum-safe or post-quantum cryptographic solutions becomes increasingly evident as quantum computing advances.”

What does this mean for cybersecurity?

The implications of this research are significant. Experts have long believed that quantum computers could eventually break today’s encryption, but this study suggests that the timeline for such threats may be much shorter than expected.

“The advancement of quantum computers can seriously threaten data security and privacy for various enterprises, affecting fundamental principles such as confidentiality, integrity, and authentication,” Kaur added. “This makes it essential to reassess the security of these cryptographic methods.”

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