Fisch Whale Migration Guide: How to Catch Moby and Blue Whale

Fisch has rolled out a new update following the massive Mariana’s veil, and this time we have some of the largest mammals, the Blue Whale, in the game. Like the Orcas, you will see these huge creatures migrating from one side of the map to the other, resembling their actions in the real world. One thing to note is that the Whale Migration event in Fisch will be a rare one, so if you want to make the most of it, you’re at the right place. Keep reading as we show you how to catch the Whale and the Moby with our Fisch Whale migration event guide.

Whale Migration Event Location in Fisch

Whales are caught only during the Whale Migration hunt in Fisch, which lasts 15 minutes at most. While Whale migration is quite similar to the Orca migration event, it differs from the Megalodon and Kraken hunt events in that it allows for capturing multiple Whales simultaneously. That said, here are the chances for the Whale Migration event:

  • Blue Whale: 20%
  • Moby Dick: 5%

The Whale Hunt event has one starting position for now. To begin, head out towards Ancient Isles and look for the blue lines signifying the Fisch whale migration. Once it starts, get a GPS in Fisch and head straight to the starting point using your fastest boat due to the time limit and the dynamic nature of this event.

Image Credit: Fisch/Roblox (Screenshot by Bipradeep Biswas/ Beebom)

A total of five Whales will spawn at a single time at the starting point, and there is absolutely no need to stress out about the fish moving continuously since the speed is so low that you can catch them easily at a time.

Finally, this event will end if the Whales reach the end or the players catch all of them. Make sure you carry a good quantity of Tempest (Terrapin Island) and Smokescreen totems (Mushgrove Swamp) as you will need rainy weather for the Fisch whale migration to spawn.

How to Catch Blue Whale and Moby in Fisch

Now that you know the region of the Fisch whale migration and how to spawn it, get ready with your best fishing rods with our Fisch Rod Tier list to catch one of them. The Whales prefer Shrimps as bait, and you can find them by opening Common Crates and Bait Crates.

You will get more such bait crates at any island above the surface for 120 cash. Alternatively, you can try redeeming the latest Fisch codes to get some Baits for free. When it comes to conditions, there are two types of Whales you will find during the migration event that are as follows:

Fish Rarity Weather Time Season Preferred Bait
Whale Exotic Any Any Summer Shrimp
Moby Dick Whale Secret Any Any Summer Squid

Talking about what fishing rod to use, I would recommend using the Heaven’s Rod here. With this, you can take advantage of its high Luck stat. Other great alternatives are the Rod of the Forgotten Fang due to its impressive passive of gifting higher tier fishes, or the Seraphic Rod due to its fast reeling ability. The whale weighs more than 200,000 kg on average, and hence, you will require rods like the above, which have some of the highest Max Kg stats in the game.

Image Credit: Fisch/Roblox (via Fisch Wiki)

Moreover, the Whale will incur a -90% progress speed effect, so if you have trouble catching it, consider enchanting your rod with the Resilient enchantment. Finally, remember that the Fisch Moby is a secret fish in the game, and it puts a 95% progress speed effect on the rod. It also has extreme frantic movement while reeling it in.

And that’s everything you need to know about the Fisch Whale migration. Are you still confused on how to catch yourself one? Let us know in the comments below!

Bipradeep Biswas

A Computer Science graduate with a passion for gaming, currently specializing in Minecraft and popular Roblox games.

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