Tomorrow belongs to…?
As Apple continues to focus on both privacy and security on its hardware, the value of its solutions for enterprise users increases. With a robust Apple Silicon processor improvement roadmap ahead, there’s little doubt that the capabilities of the AI models your Macs can run locally will improve.
If, and it’s a big if, Apple makes its Private Cloud Compute service available to third-party developers such as webAI, it could even enable enterprise development teams to deploy incredibly private AI systems, providing multiple benefits including enterprise-class personalized AI, Apple’s privacy and security, and the convenience of end-to-end encrypted cloud services.
Faster and furthur
The AI models we build today will run even more swiftly on the M5, M6, and M7 systems we already know Apple has planned. (Well, we don’t know that precisely, but we can easily surmise based on the current path). That’s a future for AI deployment in business that takes you into 2035, and beyond — all on the device, private, secure and at significantly lower cost than the computer clusters enterprise AI has traditionally required.
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