Scam artists are intercepting paper checks in the mail and stealing your money. But there are precautions to take.
By Derek Kravitz
While technology can help scammers find and persuade their potential victims, it can also help you protect yourself from common frauds—like checks that are stolen and "washed."
Consider this story: When Mary H.,* who lives near San Diego, pays bills by check, she mails them from one of the U.S. Postal Service’s secure mailboxes. And she uses thick envelopes that mask the outlines of the check inside.
Despite those precautions, a $24.17 check Mary mailed last year to cover a medical bill was intercepted by a thief somewhere along the delivery route. That paper check was then "washed"—meaning it was treated with chemicals or run through a device to remove the recipient’s name and the dollar amount Mary had written in ink. A new value—$8,600.22—and payee name were written in their place. Mary caught the pending transaction on her online statement and reported it to her bank, which was able to stop the transaction.
But many others aren’t so lucky: In 2023, the Federal Trade Commission received over 30,000 reports of fake checks and money orders—almost the same number as in 2019, even though the number of people using paper checks has declined. The median loss amount in 2023: $1,900.
Using digital tools and high-tech checks can help you outsmart the scammers. Here’s how:
Pay online whenever you can. Most businesses, medical practices, and municipalities offer the option to pay online using a credit or debit card. And banks and credit unions offer automatic online bill-pay services that let you pay recurring bills (car payments, utilities, etc.) safely and securely.
Review your monthly statements. Check for new or pending transactions so that if there is fraud, you catch it quickly—as Mary did.
Ask your bank about more secure checks. Checks with some of the security features shown below make it harder for scammers to get away with this ploy.
Editor’s Note: This article also appeared in the March 2025 issue of Consumer Reports magazine.
*Last name withheld at the individual’s request.
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