Some iPhone 16s Use a Special Glue That Makes Them Easier to Repair
All batteries age, and the lithium ion battery in your iPhone is no exception. Overtime, the battery degrades, meaning it can no longer hold as much of a charge as it could when it was new. After a few years of using the phone, you may notice your phone needs more frequent juice-ups throughout the day. When the inevitable happens…
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How to bring Android 16’s Notification Cooldown brilliance to any phone today – Computerworld
Notification Cooldown — no Android 16 required First things first: Notification Cooldown, if the name doesn’t ring a bell, is a new Android option designed to minimize interruptions from back-to-back, rapid-fire notifications — like when your chatty colleague Kirstie sends you 7,000 short messages during a Zoom call or your kinda-sorta buddy Brad sends seven stupid sentences somehow split into…
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Android 16’s First Developer Preview Is Here Early
If you’re an Android fan, you might be used to the typical rollout for Android developer previews: Google usually drops the first preview in February, so the fact that the company seeded Android 16’s first developer preview in November—three months ahead of schedule—is quite surprising. It’s a good thing, but not just because interested parties can try out Android 16…
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Android 16’s Quick Settings Could Be a Step Backward and Here’s Why
Android 15 recently hit AOSP and Google Pixel devices will be receiving them soon, followed by other manufacturers. It shouldn’t be surprising to assume Google has already started working on Android 16, and one of the first major changes the giant is planning is a complete revamp of Android’s notification and Quick Settings panel. Android 12’s Quick Settings Change Was…
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