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    Tile’s new AirTag competitors now double as panic buttons

    Tile, one of the leading makers of Bluetooth item finders, has just added a twist — its newest trackers can now send SOS alerts that notify friends, family, and possibly even emergency services. The 2024 Tile Pro, Tile Mate, Tile Slim, and Tile Sticker are the first new products since Life360 bought the company nearly three years ago, and many…

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    Best Double Strollers of 2024

    Having more than one baby in the family can be a handful when it comes to all the gear you need for outings: Diaper bags, more snacks, more juice boxes, and more toys. A double stroller can make smooth work of toting both babies and accessories around. Designed to seat multiple infants and/or toddlers, double strollers come in several styles,…

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    Expect AI spending to more than double to $632B – Computerworld

    The demand for AI platform software is expected to grow 40% a year over the next four years, rising from $27.9 billion in sales last year to $153 billion in 2028, according to an earlier IDC report. That report focused on the rapid pace by which AI platforms, such as Microsoft Azure AI, Amazon AI services, Google Cloud AI, and…

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