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    How to Find People on Snapchat

    New to Snapchat? Then you must be looking to add more friends on the app to send Snaps and start Snapstreaks with them. But Snapchat works a bit differently than other social media apps that you might be used to. So keep reading if you want to learn how to find people and add them on Snapchat as we show…

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    Snapchat to put ads next to chats with friends

    Snapchat will soon start “experimenting” with placing sponsored messages next to chat threads from friends, according to CEO Evan Spiegel. These “Sponsored Snaps” from brands will appear as unread messages in Snapchat’s main Chat tab, implying that they’ll sit above messages from a person’s contacts until they’re acted on. This is the first time Snap will show ads in the…

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    Getting Your iPhone Repaired Could Ban You From Snapchat

    Repairs for smartphones, tablets, and other devices still aren’t as simple as they should be. Case in point: getting your iPhone repaired under warranty could ban you from Snapchat and other services. In a bizarre turn of events, a repair of a cracked iPhone under AppleCare seems to have led to a Snapchat ban of said device. After dropping his…

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    WhatsApp Wants to Be Snapchat So Bad That It’s Adding AR Filters

    Earlier last month, WhatsApp released some new features, including AR effects filters and backgrounds for video calls. This is similar to AR face lenses that have existed on Snapchat for several years now. At the time, video call effects were exclusive to the Android app but looks like the WhatsApp is also bringing them to iPhone users pretty soon. As…

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    Snapchat Streak Lost? Here’s How to Restore Your Snapstreak

    If you and your friend have been holding on to Snapstreak for a while, probably months or even years, then there can be nothing worse than losing it. Could be that you forgot about it, got busy with something else, or Snapchat’s server just gave out on you. But don’t panic, there are still a few ways to restore it…

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