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    Why Most Buyers Can Ignore the Question of SIP vs VoIP

    SIP vs VoIP is a common question, but it’s not going to help you during the buying process. Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) is a general term for technology that facilitates voice calls over the internet. It works by converting audio signals into data packets, then converting those packets back to audio when they’re received at the other end. Session…

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    6 Simple Ways to Tell If You Need UCaaS vs VoIP

    There are so many new communication technologies available that it’s easy to get overwhelmed by all the acronyms. Fortunately, most current-day purchasing decisions boil down to choosing between two key technologies: UCaaS vs VoIP. UCaaS (unified communications as a service) combines multiple communication channels into a single platform. Within it, users can manage texts, team chat, faxes, phone calls (via…

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