The power of partnership: Driving innovation with AWS support for business

The cloud has become an indispensable tool for organizations looking to scale, innovate, and stay competitive. 

Businesses are increasingly moving their critical operations to the cloud, embracing the speed, flexibility, and cost-efficiency on offer. Indeed, global spending on public cloud services is expected to grow 20.4% to a total of $675.4 billion in 2024, according to a recent Gartner report. This is up from $561 billion in 2023, driven by the demand for scalable infrastructure and advanced cloud-based solutions. The cloud isn’t just a trend — it’s the backbone of modern business transformation.

As businesses strive to optimize operations with cloud technologies, partnerships between cloud providers and specialized services are essential. A prime example is the long-standing DoiT and AWS collaboration, which has helped thousands of customers maximize their cloud investments, driving growth, efficiency, and innovation.

How did this partnership form, and why does it matter for businesses seeking a faster route to value-driven transformation in the cloud?

DoiT and AWS working together

The DoiT and AWS partnership emerged as cloud technology became essential to modern business infrastructure. As AWS rapidly grew its service offerings, the need for specialized partners to help businesses navigate and optimize its cloud use became clear. DoiT, with deep expertise in AWS technologies, stepped in to fill this role, becoming an AWS Premier Partner and simplifying cloud management for organizations.

Since then, the partnership has evolved alongside AWS’s expansion into areas like Artificial Intelligence (AI), machine learning (ML), and data analytics. DoiT has continuously evolved its capabilities, earning over 400 AWS certifications and becoming a trusted partner for businesses looking to maximize the potential of AWS’ powerful cloud computing services for innovation and growth.

As an AWS Premier Tier Services Partner, DoiT brings a wealth of expertise that enhances AWS’ cloud offerings. With a range of specialized competencies, DoiT is equipped to help businesses fully realize the potential of AWS’ vast ecosystem.

These competencies include:

  • AWS Generative AI Services: DoiT is at the forefront of leveraging AWS AI cloud services, such as Amazon Bedrock and Amazon SageMaker, to build robust AI and ML environments that help businesses stay ahead in an increasingly data-driven world. This service aligns with emerging best practices, offering automation and deeper insights from data.
  • AWS DevOps Services: For organizations looking to accelerate their development pipelines, DoiT’s AWS DevOps services are crucial. DoiT’s senior cloud architects help businesses deploy AWS infrastructure — whether EC2, Serverless, or Kubernetes — streamlining DevOps readiness and ensuring faster, more reliable software delivery.
  • AWS Data & Analytics Services: Data is the core of modern digital businesses, and DoiT’s expertise in AWS data analytics services helps organizations turn raw data into actionable insights. DoiT’s AWS cloud consulting services and cloud migration consulting services ensure businesses can manage large-scale data operations with the agility and flexibility needed for advanced analytics.
  • AWS Migration Services: Migrating to the cloud can be challenging, but DoiT’s AWS Migration Competency ensures a smooth transition from on-prem or other environments to AWS. Its cloud migration consulting services offer scalability, flexibility, and cost efficiency for businesses, unlocking new growth opportunities.

With a large number of competencies and certifications, DoiT’s team is highly qualified to optimize cloud environments and deliver transformative value. Through specialized competencies and the AWS Well-Architected Partner Program, DoiT helps businesses implement best practices, optimize workloads, and improve cloud operations.

Accelerated deployment and continuous support

DoiT’s Cloud Solve service provides essential AWS support for businesses looking to quickly deploy AWS workloads. With over 200 senior cloud architects, DoiT helps organizations bridge knowledge gaps and accelerate implementation, reducing the time to launch new services while minimizing risks.

By optimizing workloads and refining DevOps processes, DoiT enables faster innovation, helping businesses bring new products to market efficiently. Whether through data analytics, AI, or machine learning, DoiT’s cloud computing consulting services help companies maximize AWS’s potential for rapid digital transformation.

DoiT provides continuous AWS customer service and consulting to its clients, offering regular insights, updates, and optimizations. This proactive approach ensures that businesses can maximize efficiency and performance while staying ahead of cloud challenges.

DoiT also helps businesses manage and optimize their AWS costs through intelligent cloud cost optimization services. Tools like Flexsave automate AWS commitments and ensure cost-efficiency without constant manual oversight. This streamlined approach helps companies focus on scaling operations rather than managing cloud spend.

Streamlined procurement and cost-saving 

DoiT not only helps businesses manage and optimize their AWS costs, but it also simplifies the procurement process. By allowing businesses to purchase AWS through DoiT Cloud Advantage, companies benefit from a simplified, automated process that makes managing cloud spending easier and more efficient. Through intelligent analytics and automation tools, DoiT helps businesses optimize costs while maintaining the flexibility they need to scale quickly. Flexsave, for example, removes the guesswork from managing AWS commitments, ensuring cost optimization without the need for constant manual oversight.

The power of the DoiT and AWS partnership is best demonstrated through the success stories of businesses that have leveraged this collaboration to achieve significant growth, efficiency, and transformation. Here are three examples that highlight the tangible benefits of working with DoiT and AWS.

An example of the DoiT-AWS partnership’s impact is Climate X, a London-based company providing climate risk data. As Climate X prepared to launch its data-heavy Spectra platform, it realized its cloud architecture needed upgrades to handle growing demand. 

AWS recommended DoiT for a comprehensive review, which led to improvements like migrating to Amazon Aurora for better scalability and security. With DoiT’s guidance, Climate X built a more efficient and scalable platform, cutting IT costs by 17%. This architecture now supports growth across the UK, Europe, the US, and Asia-Pacific, with DoiT continuing to optimize the platform.

“The new architecture allowed us to take on customers because it had the resilience and availability and scale to meet commercial needs and to let us sign contracts,” said Andrew Ellam, vice president of technology at Climate X.

Leanspace, a French software vendor specializing in cloud-native systems for satellite operations, is another great example of customer success. The company  was facing challenges in optimizing its cloud infrastructure so partnered with DoiT International, adopting cloud cost optimization services like DoiT Cloud Navigator and Flexsave. 

With DoiT’s Anomaly Detection and Cloud Analytics, Leanspace improved cost visibility and reduced cloud spending by 14%, enhancing its position in the space industry.

“Cost optimization isn’t just about saving money. It’s about fueling our ability to invest and grow. The more we save, the more money we have to put back into innovation and expansion,” said Gert Villemos, CTO at Leanspace. 

“Additionally, cost optimization is key for our long-term viability. It demonstrates our ability to create efficient systems and meet the demands of our industry, ensuring our place as a strong and sustainable business in the future.”

The power of collaboration and partnership in action

The DoiT and AWS partnership stands as a shining example of the power of collaboration and true partnership in today’s cloud-driven world. By combining AWS’s industry-leading cloud infrastructure with DoiT’s specialized AWS cloud consulting services, businesses are equipped to navigate the complexities of cloud adoption, optimize operations, and accelerate digital transformation.

For any organization looking to scale, innovate, or gain a competitive edge in the digital economy, the DoiT and AWS partnership offers a clear path to success. As this partnership continues to evolve, businesses can expect even greater opportunities for growth, efficiency, and value-driven transformation in the cloud.

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