Top 5 Topaz & Numby Teams in Honkai Star Rail (Ranked)

Topaz and Numby is a 5-star Fire Hunt character, who is a FUA Support and a good single-target DPS. She is mainly used as support for other FUA DPS units, however, she can deal a fair share of damage herself. With the recent release of Feixiao and Lingsha, and the trend of more FUA characters featuring in the near future, Topaz and Numby’s importance has increased a lot. If you are planning to pull Topaz & Numby and are looking for the best teams to play her in, then here is a complete list of the best Topaz & Numby teams in Honkai Star Rail.

Best F2P Topaz & Numby Team: Dr. Ratio-Topaz-Tingyun-Gallagher

Image Courtesy: Honkai Star Rail (Edited by Sanmay Chakrabarti)

Topaz’s best F2P team is quite strong if you have Dr. Ratio at your disposal. With Dr. Ratio, Topaz acts as the perfect support unit alongside Tingyun, to buff his damage output. This team is actually very strong and can even clear most of the hardest challenges in the game with their proper builds. However, if you don’t have Dr. Ratio, then you can run a similar team but use Hunt March 7th instead. Here, Topaz will act as both the main DPS and FUA support, while Hunt March 7th will become more of a Sub-DPS.

4. Dr. Ratio-Topaz-Ruan Mei-Lingsha (Dr. Ratio-Topaz Dual DPS)

Image Courtesy: Honkai Star Rail (Edited by Sanmay Chakrabarti)

Dr. Ratio and Topaz Dual DPS team is also one of the best Topaz teams in Honkai Star Rail. This team uses Ruan Mei to increase the DPS potential of the team. Linghsa is also a good choice for the Sustain as she can provide very good heals, while also doing her fair share of damage. Lingsha’s damage from her summon is also buffed by Topaz, making the overall damage output of the team quite good.

3. Yunli/Clara-Topaz-Robin-Lynx (Counterattack Hypercarry)

Image Courtesy: Honkai Star Rail (Edited by Sanmay Chakrabarti)

The Counterattack Hypercarry teams are built around Yunli or Clara and as counterattacks are basically FUA, Topaz can play a strong role in this team. With Topaz, the damage potential for this team increases by a lot, especially with Robin in the team buffing them further. I have chosen Lynx for the sustain of this team as she can increase the aggro for Yunli and Clara, however, you can also pick a more dependable sustain. Clara and Yunli act as part-tanks, so having Lynx is good enough for even the hardest challenges in the game.

2. Topaz-Robin-Sparkle-Aventurine (Topaz Hypercarry)

Image Courtesy: Honkai Star Rail (Edited by Sanmay Chakrabarti)

The Topaz Hypercarry team is also one of the strongest Topaz teams in Honkai Star Rail. This team uses Topaz as the main DPS, with Robin and Sparkle buffing her damage. Robin is a great pick for this team as she directly increases the damage output of all allies and increases the Crit Damage of FUAs. Sparkle is also a good pick as she can both Action forward an ally and make the team deal more damage with high Skill point consumption. Aventurine is the perfect sustain for this team as his FUAs get a buff from both Topaz and Robin.

1. Feixiao-Topaz-Robin-Aventurine (Feixiao FUA)

Image Courtesy: Honkai Star Rail (Edited by Sanmay Chakrabarti)

With the release of Feixiao, the Feixiao FUA team becomes the best Topaz team in the game. This is the best Follow-up attack team in Honkai Star Rail, and every character in the team increases the damage output of Feixiao. Topaz and Robin increase the damage output of Follow-up attacks from the entire team, and can also Action Forward them with her Ultimate. Feixiao is the perfect partner for Topaz, and together both can wreak havoc against any challenge in the game.

Sanmay Chakrabarti

An old soul who loves CRPGs and Souls-Like to death. Takes pleasure in simplifying “Complex and Hard” games for casual players with tailored guides and videos. He loves to explore new places, read fantasy fiction, watch anime, and create wacky character builds in his off time.

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