Vendor Spotlight: JSCAPE

As a review of the company, JSCAPE, this spotlight should be short because JSCAPE doesn’t exist anymore. However, although it is no longer an independent business, its brand lives on as a division of Redwood Software.

JSCAPE’s field of operation takes the very old technology of file transfer protocols and wraps more complicated process automation structures around the core activity to enable administration steps to take place before and after the transfer.

The core product of JSCAPE is its managed file transfer (MFT) service. This sector of IT systems is now dominated by Redwood Software, and the JSCAPE system is now a stablemate to much rival software. In fact, the main competitors to JSCAPE are other Redwood assets.

Founding and Background

JSCAPE was founded in 1999 by Van Glass, focusing on managed file transfer (MFT) solutions that help organizations securely exchange data across diverse platforms, systems, and protocols. JSCAPE’s flagship product, JSCAPE MFT Server, provides a platform-agnostic environment for managed file transfer operations, which became critical in sectors like finance, healthcare, and government where data security and compliance are top priorities.

The company built a reputation for simplifying and automating file transfers with support for a wide range of protocols, including FTP, FTPS, SFTP, HTTP, and HTTPS.

Timeline and Evolution

JSCAPE was a private company throughout its existence. It was a small enterprise with only eight employees.

  • 1999: JSCAPE is founded by Van Glass with a focus on creating platform-independent file transfer solutions that can work across various protocols and operating systems.
  • 2000-2010: JSCAPE’s MFT solution gains traction in industries requiring secure, reliable, and automated file transfers. The company focuses on enhancing its product to support emerging protocols and regulatory compliance requirements, like PCI-DSS, HIPAA, and GDPR.
  • 2010-2015: As cloud computing and hybrid IT environments become more prevalent, JSCAPE adapts its offerings to include cloud file transfer capabilities and multi-protocol support for complex enterprise environments.
  • 2019: JSCAPE continues to innovate with additional features, like real-time monitoring, automation, and robust security controls, solidifying its role as a leader in MFT solutions.
  • January 2021: JSCAPE is acquired by Advanced Systems Concepts, Inc. (ASCI), a company known for its ActiveBatch workload automation platform. The acquisition integrates JSCAPE’s MFT capabilities into ASCI’s broader automation solutions, allowing customers to streamline file transfers as part of end-to-end business processes.
  • May 2021: Redwood Software, a leading provider of enterprise automation and orchestration software, acquires Advanced Systems Concepts, including JSCAPE. This acquisition enables Redwood to enhance its automation suite by adding JSCAPE’s secure and managed file transfer technology to its portfolio.

Company Ownership

Since its founding, JSCAPE was privately held until its acquisition by Advanced Systems Concepts, Inc. (ASCI) in 2021. ASCI was a rival business with its own MFT service, that operates under the name ActiveBatch. This product is termed a workload automation system – it creates batch jobs that automatically launch different software packages in sequence, passing data between each stage.

JSCAPE was entirely independent during its 22 years as a standalone company; The business’s owners kept costs low by operating with a small staff. There was no attempt made to expand by attracting external investment.

This business’s acquisition brought JSCAPE into ASCI’s ecosystem of automation solutions. That company was a little larger than JSCAPE, having 79 employees. ASCI took the funding route to expand and gain a larger share of a small market. The business’s founder and president, Benjamin Rosenberg sought investments from Turn/River Capital, welcoming two representatives of the fund onto the Advanced Systems Concepts Board of Directors.

The end of the Advanced Systems Concepts company occurred in May 2021. The company wasn’t taken over; rather, it merged with another company. That other business was Redwood Software, a much larger provider of MFT systems. Turn/River Capital had also acquired Redwood and decided to merge all of its MFT companies into one. ASCI took ActiveBatch and JSCAPE into the new company. Turn/River made the decision to give the new company the Redwood name rather than come up with a new identity.

In 2022, JSCAPE and ASCI were both acquired by Redwood Software, which has since owned and operated JSCAPE under its umbrella of enterprise automation solutions. As a result, JSCAPE’s technology became part of Redwood’s integrated approach to automating and orchestrating business processes across industries.

Key People

  1. Van Glass – Founder: Van Glass played a central role in developing JSCAPE’s managed file transfer platform and steering the company towards its growth as a leading player in secure and compliant file transfer solutions. He was instrumental in ensuring the company’s platform independence and focus on automation and security.
  2. Benjamin Rosenberg – CEO, Advanced Systems Concepts: Under his leadership, ASCI acquired JSCAPE, recognizing the synergies between JSCAPE’s MFT solutions and ASCI’s ActiveBatch automation platform. His strategic vision facilitated JSCAPE’s integration into ASCI’s offerings, eventually leading to its acquisition by Redwood Software.
  3. Sallie Piscitello – Vice President of Finance and Operations, Advanced Systems Concepts:  Piscitello conducted most of the business administration for ASCI and was in charge of running the JSCAPE division along with the rest of the company. She still runs the operation of the Advanced Systems Concepts division of Redwood Software.
  4. Tijl Vuyk – CEO, Redwood Software: After Redwood Software acquired ASCI, including JSCAPE, Vuyk has overseen the incorporation of JSCAPE’s MFT capabilities into Redwood’s broader automation platform, helping expand Redwood’s portfolio and reach into sectors that need both file transfer and process automation solutions.


JSCAPE was originally headquartered in Eugene, Oregon in the United States. Following the acquisitions by ASCI and later Redwood Software, JSCAPE’s technology became part of these companies’ global infrastructure. Advanced Systems Concepts had its offices in Morristown, New Jersey.

The JSCAPE website lists the business’s address at Frisco, Texas, which is the long-time headquarters of Redwood Software.. However, Sallie Piscietello, who still manages the administration of the JSCAPE brand, declares her current location as Chapel Hill in North Carolina. So, it must be that Redwood allows its executives and staff to work from home. So, theoretically, JSCAPE has many office locations.

Target Market and Customer Base

Target Market

JSCAPE primarily targets industries that require secure, reliable, and compliant file transfer solutions. These sectors often manage sensitive or regulated data and need to automate complex IT processes involving data exchanges. Its platform-agnostic solutions appeal to organizations that operate in multi-platform or hybrid IT environments. The following sectors are key segments of JSCAPE’s target market:

  1. Finance and Banking: Due to strict regulatory requirements (e.g., PCI-DSS, SOX), financial institutions rely on JSCAPE for secure and encrypted file transfers that meet compliance standards. JSCAPE helps these institutions automate data exchanges, ensuring security and efficiency in high-volume, sensitive transactions.
  2. Healthcare: With a focus on HIPAA compliance, healthcare providers and institutions use JSCAPE to transfer patient records, insurance claims, and other sensitive data securely. JSCAPE’s MFT solution ensures the privacy and integrity of health information, critical in maintaining regulatory compliance.
  3. Government and Public Sector: Government agencies rely on JSCAPE for secure file transfers between departments, agencies, and contractors. JSCAPE’s support for multi-protocol environments and its emphasis on security make it ideal for government bodies handling confidential data and adhering to regulatory mandates.
  4. Manufacturing and Supply Chain: In industries with complex supply chains, manufacturers use JSCAPE to automate data exchanges related to inventory, logistics, and supply chain management. JSCAPE’s automation tools ensure smooth, secure data flows across global networks.
  5. Retail and eCommerce: Retailers, especially those managing large amounts of customer data, inventory details, and financial transactions, benefit from JSCAPE’s secure and compliant file transfers. The platform’s automation capabilities streamline operations, reducing the risk of errors in data transfers.
  6. Energy and Utilities: Companies in the energy sector need secure data transfers between field operations, central management, and third-party partners. JSCAPE’s solutions enable these transfers while ensuring data integrity and regulatory compliance.

Customer Base

JSCAPE’s customers range from mid-sized businesses to large enterprises across a variety of industries. The common characteristic among its customers is the need for secure, compliant, and automated file transfer solutions across complex IT infrastructures. Some common customer characteristics include:

  1. Organizations with High Compliance Needs: Entities in highly regulated industries such as finance, healthcare, and government are a major part of JSCAPE’s customer base, given their need for robust security features and compliance management.
  2. Global Enterprises: Companies operating across multiple regions and using diverse systems often select JSCAPE due to its platform-agnostic approach and support for various transfer protocols, allowing seamless operation across geographies.
  3. IT-Intensive Organizations: Businesses with complex IT ecosystems, involving hybrid cloud, multi-cloud, or on-premises systems, turn to JSCAPE for secure and efficient data management. Its solutions provide end-to-end automation and visibility into data flows, making it attractive to IT managers and teams.
  4. Companies with Automation Needs: Any organization looking to automate repetitive or critical IT tasks, such as file transfers between systems, finds value in JSCAPE’s MFT solutions, especially when integrated with broader automation platforms like ActiveBatch and Redwood Software.

Overall, JSCAPE caters to a broad spectrum of industries with a strong focus on security, compliance, and operational efficiency in managing data transfers. Its customer base reflects industries that rely on automation and demand secure, compliant, and reliable data exchanges.

JSCAPE Product Suite

The JSCAPE range of products is designed to provide secure, automated, and platform-independent file transfer solutions. Its suite of managed file transfer (MFT) tools is used by organizations across industries to streamline data exchanges, improve security, and ensure regulatory compliance. Below are the key products in JSCAPE’s portfolio:

1. JSCAPE MFT Server

  • Secure file transfers: With FTP/S, SFTP, SCP, HTTP/S, WebDAV
  • EDI transfers: Uses the AS2 protocol
  • Cross-Platform Compatibility: Available for Windows, Linux, macOS, Solaris, and other platforms.
  • Scheduled transfers: Set transfers to occur on a timer/calendar
  • Pre- and post-transfer processing: Set up scripts to run before or after a transfer

2. JSCAPE MFT Gateway

  • Reverse Proxy: Protects internal servers by acting as an intermediary for external file transfers.
  • Support for Multiple Protocols: Uses FTP, SFTP, and HTTP/S.
  • Load Balancing: Distributes traffic across multiple servers to enhance availability and reliability.
  • End-to-End Encryption: Ensures secure transmission of data between internal and external parties with full encryption.
  • Ease of Deployment: Integrates with JSCAPE MFT Server and other file transfer systems.

3. JSCAPE MFT Monitor

  • Monitors the performance of file transfer services: Spots issues before they impact operations.
  • Real-Time Monitoring: Live tracking for file transfer activities and system health.
  • Alerting System: Activity or performance thresholds trigger notifications via email or other channels.
  • Visual Dashboards: A centralized console showing transfer performance, load, and resource usage.
  • Historical Data Reporting: Reports based on historical transfer data for performance analysis and audits.

4. JSCAPE MFT Server Agents

  • Extend the capabilities of JSCAPE MFT Server: Enable secure file transfers to and from remote locations.
  • Designed to manage distributed systems: Ensures that remote data exchanges are automated and secure.
  • Remote Transfer Automation: Automates file transfers between remote locations and JSCAPE MFT Server.
  • Secure Connections: Ensures encrypted connections between agents and the central server.
  • Centralized Control: Allows administrators to control and monitor all agent activities from a centralized interface, improving visibility and management.

5. JSCAPE MFT Server Plugins

  • Extensions: Extend the functionality of the core server.
  • Database Integration: Enables users to transfer data between MFT Server and databases.
  • Webmail Plugin: Allows users to send large files securely via webmail systems.
  • Email Automation: Automatically sends email notifications based on transfer events.
  • Scripting Support: Extends automation workflows with custom scripts for more complex tasks.

6. JSCAPE File Transfer Clients

  • End-user interface: Provides file transfer clients for end-users to securely upload and download files.
  • Cross-Platform Clients: Compatible with major operating systems, including Windows, macOS, and Linux.
  • Protocol Support: Supports common file transfer protocols like FTP, SFTP, and FTPS.
  • Drag-and-Drop Interface: Simplifies file transfers for non-technical users through an intuitive drag-and-drop UI.
  • Secure Transfers: Ensures that all file transfers are encrypted and secure.


  • Cloud Hosting: Provides all the benefits of JSCAPE MFT Server without the need to manage physical servers.
  • Flexible Deployment: Works in both hybrid and fully cloud-based environments.
  • Scalability: Easily scales to meet increasing data transfer demands.
  • Transfer Security: Maintains the same high level of encryption as the on-premises version.
  • Compliance Management:  Audit logging and compliance support.

JSCAPE MFT Server is the company’s flagship product, designed for secure, platform-independent managed file transfers. It supports a wide range of file transfer protocols, including FTP/S, SFTP, SCP, HTTP/S, WebDAV, and AS2, making it highly versatile for enterprises with complex IT environments. The MFT Server automates and secures data transfers, helping organizations improve operational efficiency and reduce the risks associated with manual file exchanges.

Key Features:

  • Efficiency gains: Removes routine tasks from the duties of technicians.
  • Support for Multiple Protocols: Allows for secure, encrypted transfers using various protocols, making it adaptable to different network configurations.
  • Automation and Scheduling: Provides a built-in scheduler to automate file transfers, execute triggers, and manage workflows based on events or conditions.
  • Compliance and Security: Includes robust encryption (SSL, TLS, PGP), audit logging, and authentication mechanisms to meet regulatory standards like HIPAA, PCI-DSS, and GDPR.
  • Web-based Interface: A user-friendly web interface
  • Administrator Controls: Allows administrators to manage file transfers and monitor performance in real time.

JSCAPE’s product suite is designed to provide a secure, automated, and versatile managed file transfer environment. Whether organizations are looking for on-premises solutions, cloud-based options, or support for remote data transfers, JSCAPE offers products tailored to meet a wide range of needs. Its focus on compliance, security, and automation makes it a preferred solution for industries that require reliable, secure file transfer operations.


  • Agentless Architecture: JSCAPE MFT Server operates without requiring agents on endpoints.
  • Simplifies deployment and maintenance: Eases integration with existing systems and simplifies management across diverse environments.
  • Customizable Workflows
    Enable users to automate complex processes such as file renaming, directory monitoring, email notifications, and post-transfer actions.
  • Load Balancing and High Availability: Supports load balancing and clustering, ensuring
  • Suitable for data centers: Reliability makes the platform ideal for large-scale enterprises with significant data transfer demands.


  • Cost: This is a premium product and the licensing costs can be relatively high, especially for smaller businesses.
  • Complex Setup for Advanced Features: Setting up advanced automation workflows and integrating with third-party systems may require technical expertise.
  • Limited File Transfer Client Options: Although JSCAPE provides its own file transfer clients, some users might want other option

JSCAPE MFT Server can integrate with various third-party applications, including cloud storage providers, databases, and enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems. This flexibility allows for seamless workflows and data synchronization across the organization’s entire IT ecosystem.

Other Notable Products

The majority of the customers of JSCAPE are going to be interested in the MFT Server. However, there are two other modules that generate a lot of interest.


JSCAPE Cloud MFT is a cloud-based managed file transfer solution designed to provide secure, automated file transfers without the need for on-premises infrastructure. This cloud offering carries the same functionality as JSCAPE’s on-premises version, allowing businesses to perform encrypted file transfers across multiple protocols, including FTP, FTPS, SFTP, and AS2. This package will appeal to companies that want to reduce IT overhead while maintaining high security and compliance standards.

The JSCAPE Cloud MFT system can manage complex data exchanges in hybrid or multi-cloud environments. One of the key strengths of JSCAPE Cloud MFT is its flexibility and scalability. Businesses can easily scale their file transfer operations up or down, depending on their data transfer needs, without worrying about hardware limitations. JSCAPE Cloud MFT offers multi-protocol support, automation tools, and extensive security features like end-to-end encryption, audit trails, and compliance controls.

2. JSCAPE MFT Monitor

JSCAPE MFT Monitor is a specialized tool designed to monitor the health and performance of managed file transfer (MFT) environments in real time. It provides administrators with insights into file transfer activities, server performance, and potential issues before they impact operations. The tool provides a dashboard that shows metrics such as system load, disk space usage, and file transfer status, allowing organizations to proactively manage their MFT infrastructure. Real-time alerts notify administrators of potential bottlenecks, transfer failures, or security risks, enabling quicker responses and minimizing downtime.

One of the key benefits of JSCAPE MFT Monitor is its ability to centralize monitoring across multiple JSCAPE MFT Server instances. This makes it particularly useful for organizations with complex, distributed file transfer environments. In addition to real-time monitoring, it offers historical data reporting, which helps in auditing, troubleshooting, and optimizing system performance. By providing comprehensive visibility into file transfer operations, JSCAPE MFT Monitor allows IT teams to maintain high performance and security standards while ensuring the smooth operation of mission-critical file transfers.

Major Competitors to JSCAPE

1. IBM Sterling File Gateway

IBM Sterling File Gateway is a comprehensive managed file transfer (MFT) solution designed to facilitate secure and efficient file transfers across enterprise environments. It supports a wide range of protocols and integrates with various IBM and third-party applications to streamline data exchanges.


  • Security features include encryption and authentication.
  • Compliance management for PCI-DSS and HIPAA.
  • Sophisticated automation and workflow management.


  • Can be expensive, particularly for smaller organizations or those with limited budgets.
  • Some users find the interface less intuitive compared to other MFT solutions.

2. GoAnywhere MFT

GoAnywhere MFT is a managed file transfer solution designed to simplify and secure data exchanges between systems, applications, and users. It supports a variety of protocols and includes features for automation, security, and compliance.


  • An attractive web-based interface that simplifies management and configuration tasks for administrators.
  • Automation capabilities include scheduling, scripting, and workflow management.
  • Security features, such as encryption secure file transfer protocols, and compliance with GDPR and HIPAA.


  • Lacks some of the more advanced features found in high-end MFT solutions.
  • Customer support is not so great.


Axway AMPLIFY MFT is a managed file transfer solution that provides secure, scalable, and compliant file transfers for enterprises. It offers a cloud-native architecture and is part of Axway’s broader AMPLIFY platform, which includes API management and data integration.


  • Its cloud-native architecture offers scalability and flexibility, allowing organizations to scale their MFT operations easily.
  • Integrates with other components of the Axway AMPLIFY platform.
  • Security features include end-to-end encryption and compliance with major regulatory standards.


  • The solution can be costly and complex to deploy for small businesses.
  • Some users have reported performance issues with high volumes of data transfers.

4. Cleo Integration Cloud

Cleo Integration Cloud provides a managed file transfer solution that integrates with various business applications and cloud services. It focuses on secure and scalable data exchanges, particularly in complex, multi-cloud environments.


  • Integrates with various cloud services and applications, making it suitable for cloud-centric IT environments.
  • An intuitive interface and user-friendly features for managing file transfers and integrations.
  • Provides encryption and compliance with data protection standards.


  • Integration with some third-party applications requires technical expertise.
  • Customer support can be slow to respond.

5. Globalscape EFT

Globalscape EFT (Enhanced File Transfer) is a managed file transfer solution known for its secure, flexible, and scalable file transfer capabilities. It supports a wide range of protocols and offers a variety of features tailored to meet diverse business needs.


  • Security features include encryption, secure file transfer protocols, and detailed auditing capabilities to ensure data protection and compliance.
  • Extensive customization options and support for various protocols.
  • Integrates well with other enterprise systems, enabling its use within broader IT ecosystems.


  • Additional costs may arise from advanced features and support.
  • Some users report performance issues with very high volumes of data or large file transfers.


JSCAPE’s history reflects its growth from a managed file transfer innovator to a key player within broader automation platforms following its acquisitions by Advanced Systems Concepts and Redwood Software. With a strong foundation in secure and cross-platform data transfer, JSCAPE’s technology now plays a critical role in helping enterprises automate complex IT processes across industries. Its evolution into an essential part of Redwood Software’s offerings highlights its continued relevance in the automation and enterprise software space.

Each competitor to JSCAPE offers unique strengths and capabilities, catering to different needs within the managed file transfer market. Organizations should consider their specific requirements, budget, and technical capabilities when choosing between these solutions and JSCAPE.

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