When was the last time a Mac caused a business disaster? – Computerworld

As your company begins to assess which providers, platforms, and devices it intends to base its AI efforts on, don’t ignore the value of security, privacy, and resilience across whatever ecosystem you choose.
While you weigh the options, it’s worth asking when, if ever, Apple’s Mac or any of its other platforms have caused a global business disaster at the same scale we recently experienced from Crowdstrike/Microsoft.
It’s time to ask the questions
It’s time to be frankly, brutally honest while you consider the matter. Ask yourself: has the company (or you) ever suffered outages, breaches, or damages from using Apple equipment? I’m sure there will be some examples, usually around brief iCloud service outages or weak backup and archiving policy (data can become corrupted, so back it up before it does). Some companies might well have experienced some degree of cyberattack, and we all know about the deeply corrupt surveillance-as-a-service entities that struggle to make the entire planet more unhappy.
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