With the rise of genAI, it’s time to follow Apple’s Security Recommendations – Computerworld

Death to security complacency

The main takeaway is this: You should act on the warnings given to you by Apple’s Security Recommendations tool. You should avoid re-using passwords, no matter where it is. You should use a Password Manager and other forms of security, such as 2FA, and you should very much beware if you receive an email from a trusted source that contains a link to something that sounds like it was made for you; chances are, it was.

Most of all, I want you to check the credentials that have been leaked, change them, close accounts, and delete payment information from any service you don’t intend to use again. As a person or enterprise, you certainly need to build a response plan for what to do if an account is compromised, or suspected to be compromised; security training even for your most experienced employees is almost certainly going to be of value. Most of all, never, ever use one of these passwords. 

Alternatively, ignore Safari’s friendly warning and leave yourself open to having your genuine account credentials being sold online for up to $45 a time.

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