You just need 20 minutes, 1 dumbbell and this superset workout to strengthen your whole body and boost your metabolism

You don’t need access to a gym or a lot of equipment at home to get a quality workout done. All you really need is a little bit of space, the motivation and the right workout to follow.

This full-body session from trainer Dan, one half of fitness duo TIFF x DAN, is a great option for those who have one dumbbell at home. Using that dumbbell for this workout you can build strength in muscles all over the body, while also getting your heart pumping to fire up your metabolism.

If that one dumbbell happens to be one of the best adjustable dumbbells, then all the better, because you can adjust the weight to suit the moves in the workout. But one standard dumbbell will also work just fine.

For reference, Dan is using a 30lb dumbbell, but pick a weight that suits you for a mix of moves including leg exercises like deadlifts and split squats as well as upper body exercises like pullovers and rows.

Watch TIFF x DAN’s 20-minute full-body workout

20 Min Full Body ONE DUMBBELL Workout 🔥 HIGH INTENSITY 🔥 – YouTube

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The workout consists of four rounds of exercises and then a finisher. In each round you do two supersets of the same two exercises, doing each move for 30 seconds and then resting for 30 seconds before going onto the next superset.

In between rounds, you don’t rest; instead, you power through a 60-second set where you do as many rounds of five dumbbell push-ups and five goblet squats as you can in the time.

Once you’ve completed all four rounds you round things off with a tough 30/30/30 finisher, where you do three moves for 30 seconds each back-to-back.

The fast pace of the workout and minimal rest means that your heart will be pumping throughout, adding some cardiovascular benefits alongside the strength gains you get from the session.

As a result it’s a great all-rounder session for anyone short on both time and equipment. You build functional strength throughout the body and boost your fitness, all in just 20 minutes including a short cool down to help kickstart your recovery.

While many people will enjoy planning out a strength training routine that targets different areas of the body in different ways throughout the week, if you’d rather skip the thinking and just train in a simple and effective way, then doing this session a few times a week will go a long way to keeping you fit and strong.

If you do want to just focus on your lower body with your workout, then you can give this one-dumbbell leg workout a go, while this eight-move abs workout is another effective session you can do using just one weight.

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